Current Biology 2023
Salvail H and Breaker RR
Differential synthesis of novel small protein times Salmonella virulence program
PLoS Genetics 2022
Salvail H, Choi J, Groisman EA
RNA chaperone activates Salmonella virulence program during infection
Nucleic Acids Research 2021
Choi J., Salvail H, Groisman EA
Biochemical Validation of a Fourth Guanidine Riboswitch Class in Bacteria
Biochemistry 2020
Salvail H*, Balaji A*, Yu D, Roth A, Breaker RR (*Shared authorship)
The phosphorelay BarA/SirA activates the non-cognate regulator RcsB in Salmonella enterica
PLoS Genetics 2020
Salvail H and Groisman EA.
Antagonistic functions between the RNA chaperone Hfq and an sRNA regulate sensitivity to the antibiotic colicin
The EMBO Journal 2013
Salvail H, Caron MP, Bélanger J, Massé E
Regulating iron storage and metabolism with RNA: an overview of posttranscriptional controls of intracellular iron homeostasis
WIREs RNA 2012
Salvail H and Massé E.
A small RNA promotes siderophore production through transcriptional and metabolic remodeling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010
Salvail H, Lanthier-Bourbonnais P, Sobota JM, Caza M, Benjamin JA, Mendieta ME, Lépine F, Dozois CM, Imlay J, Massé E
Dealing with oxidative stress and iron starvation in microoganisms: an overview
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2010
Benjamin JA*, Desnoyers G*, Morissette A*, Salvail H*, Massé E (*Shared authorship).
The small RNA RyhB activates the translation of shiA mRNA encoding a permease of shikimate, a compound involved in siderophore synthesis.
Molecular Microbiology 2007
Prévost K, Salvail H, Desnoyers G, Jacques JF, Phaneuf E, Massé E.
Small RNAs controlling iron metabolism.
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2007
Massé E, Salvail H, Desnoyers G, Arguin M.
A spermidine riboswitch class in bacteria exploits a close variant of an aptamer for the enzyme cofactor S-adenosylmethionine
Cell Reports 2023
Salvail H, Balaji A, Roth A, Breaker RR